Did you know that you can enhance your over-all well-being by ingesting bee pollen? That is because this natural super food contains a lot of vital nutrients that nourish and rejuvenate the human body.
Pollen contains a wide array of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, enzymes and antioxidants. All these work together in synergy to make your body function the way it is supposed to function, thereby keeping you healthy and strong.
Let's face it, the foods we eat in these modern days do not contain the essential nutrients that our bodies need to function optimally. People eat over processed foods that do not contain any beneficial nutrient.
Deficiencies in vital nutrients are the major reasons why a lot of people have one health issue of the other. The good news is that you can augment what you get from your food by taking quality dietary supplements like bee pollen.
Ingesting bee pollen - Benefits
Pollen is proven to increase energy and stamina. It also combats premature aging, allergic rhinitis, mouth sores, UTI, joint pains, and PMS. Bee pollen is also reported to help relieve constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and colitis.
Pollen can likewise treat rashes, pimples, and eczema. In fact, it is used as a natural ingredient in skin moisturizers. Individuals with poor libido and fertility problems also use this natural supplement to improve their condition. Studies also show that this super food is great for weight loss.
Ingesting bee pollen - The best way to take it
You can take it in granule form; you can chew or mix the granules with your food, smoothies, yogurt, cereal, or fruit juices. One thing you should know about the granules is that they are hard to digest because of the hard outer shell. Turning the granules to powder actually solves the digestion and absorption problems.
Hence, the best way to take pollen is in powder form put inside capsules. Research shows that the encapsulated powder form has higher bio-availability, which translates to greater benefits.
The best pollens are sourced from clean, unpolluted environments where bees can thrive in their own natural habitat without toxic contamination. This means that there should be no use of pesticides or other chemicals on the farms; the farms should also be far from highly industrialized cities. New Zealand is currently the best source because of its pristine surroundings.
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