Sunday, 10 July 2011

How The Experts Buy Fish Oil - 4 Secrets Revealed

You want to buy fish oil to radically improve your health, but where do you start? The evidence is in, the results are real. So don't waste your money and your health on inferior omega-3 supplements. Trust your health to a product that delivers the promise. Here is the information you need to radically improve your health right now.
Cheap is a rubbish heap
Sure, you can buy fish oil at the corner store, the health food store, the brands we all see every day. The demand to increase our omega-3 intake is soaring so rapidly that companies everywhere are getting in on the act.
But what we need is a product that is fresh, pure, and has a very high DHA content. Fresh because it is a food product, pure because fish live in oceans that aren't always clean, and high DHA content because that's the part of omega-3 prized for it's health benefits.
Fresh Is The Test
As fish oil ages, it oxidizes (naturally takes on oxygen) and begins the process of becoming rancid. This is when it starts to taste terrible, and cause you to have repeats (an industry term used for tasting it over and over throughout the day), which would naturally cause most people to think bad of all of these supplements.
That's why you will get far superior results from supplements that have been produced by a company that has absolute control over the freshness of the product, from the time it is caught to the time it is shipped to your door step.
Decontaminate Before It's Ate
Even though the oceans are fascinating and beautiful, we have severely polluted them with mercury, PCBs, and other toxins that may never go away, yet we need the omega-3 from cold water ocean fish for good health.
So if the fish that we need are contaminated, we know the supplements that we trust our health to are pure and free from the contaminates. We want to ensure that toxins are far below government and industry standards.
We can do this by choosing a company that stays abreast of, and uses cutting edge technology for keeping their product fresh, and free from contaminates. We can rest easy when our supplements are being produced from Hoki fish from the oceans of New Zealand, the cleanest oceans left on the planet.
DHA Is King
Even though the barrage of information and advertisement has made us all aware that we need more omega-3 in our diet, few people really know why. And even fewer realize that the latest research shows that the DHA is the most valuable part of omega-3 fish oil.
The single most important thing that supplementing our diet with omega-3 does is to help eliminate chronic inflammation from our body, and it is the DHA that is responsible for this. Even though it is much easier for companies to produce and concentrate EPA into supplements, we must insist on DHA content being the primary omega-3 ingredient of each soft gel capsule.
The tested and proven results to our health by supplementing our diet with omega-3 is beyond doubt or question. But, you must use a quality product to gain the real benefits. A product produced from Hoki fish, concentrated DHA that is free from toxins, and guaranteed fresh every time you take it, will assure you of results when you buy fish oil.


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