Saturday, 9 July 2011

Ways To Get The Midday Kick You Need Without Caffeine

Do you need a little mid-day boost? Most people look forward to the coffee break! Coffee and other caffeinated beverages may give you the temporary boost that you think you may need to get you through the rest of the day, but too much of it can leave you feeling agitated, and it can disrupt the good night of rest that is needed to begin the next day feeling fresh and alert. In recent years, coffee alternatives have hit the market; high-powered caffeine drinks, some that contain the caffeine of five cups of coffee! Studies have shown however, that caffeine may not be the best energy-boost after all. Caffeinated teas and soft drinks as an alternative to coffee are still not the answer when one still has a few hours left of the workday, and the midday doldrums set in. Do not fret. Here are a few sumptuous snacks that are tasty and refreshing, and that can give you the energy boost that is needed to remain alert and focused.
One good, low calorie energetic snack is a cup of bananas or a small apple and 1 tbsp of peanut butter. This snack only has about 100 calories or 15g of carbohydrates but the natural sugars take a while for your body to process and the peanut butter packs a powerful protein punch for an energetic midday snack that will give any caffeinated beverage a run for its money.
If fruit and peanut butter don't suit, then you may wish to try a few whole grain crackers, four to be exact and a tablespoon of hummus. This tasty snack is not only easy to prepare in advance and stick in a plastic baggie to tote around with you but is one that offers that little extra burst of extra energy that you may be looking for midday. The complex carbohydrates contained in whole grain products plus the fiber contributed by the hummus offer some of the longest lasting energy boosters found in nature and are a great snack for someone looking to kick their energy level up a notch.
Need a little kick around 3pm then try a cup of dried fruit and nuts. These foods provide sustained energy since they take longer to digest and a lot of fiber can go a long way in helping to produce high energy plus this is a snack that will fit nicely in your briefcase to take along when you are on the go.
Protein, grains, and fruit can go a long way in helping to boost your midday energy levels so you may want to take 6 oz of plain low fat yogurt and add in a tsp of granola and a few berries or slices of banana. Once again this food combination will go a long way in carrying you through the rest of your day with ease.


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